Celebrate Global Wellness Day

global wellness day

On June 8, Global Wellness Day 2024, the theme “#MagentaNature” invites you to step outside and reconnect with the natural world. At Amend Wellness, we recognize the profound mental health benefits of engaging with Mother Nature and encourage all the clients at our wellness retreat to explore the outdoors as they heal from conditions like burnout, anxiety, and grief.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Nature

Studies have shown that spending time in nature boosts your mood and enhances your psychological well-being, reduces stress, and improves mental health. Nature’s restorative properties can significantly impact various mental health conditions.

  • Reducing anxiety and depression: Natural settings have shown to decrease levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and enhance feelings of happiness and well-being.
  • Improving focus and creativity: Spending time outdoors, away from daily distractions, can improve concentration and ignite creativity.
  • Enhancing physical health: Activities in nature promote physical health, which closely links to improved mental health.
  • Supporting grief and recovery: The serene environment of natural settings provides a comforting backdrop for those in grief, helping them process their emotions more effectively.

Global Wellness Day at Amend Wellness

This Global Wellness Day and throughout the year, Amend Wellness is thrilled to support and promote activities that help our clients and community engage with nature. Here’s what you can expect during your stay with us.

  • Guided nature hikes: We like to explore the greater Austin area with activities like visiting points of interest, experiencing local arts and entertainment or hiking our many trails. We’ve designed our guided hikes to suit all fitness levels, providing an excellent way to experience the outdoors.
  • Volleyball: Friendly tournaments at our volleyball courts are a fun way to get active and soak up the sun.
  • Lake days: Enjoy the tranquility of a day spent by the lake. Whether you’re kayaking, swimming, paddleboarding, or relaxing by the water, lake days are perfect for unwinding and reconnecting with nature.

Join Us in Honoring the Healing Power of Nature

At Amend Wellness, nature is a fundamental part of our approach to healing. Whether you choose to boost endorphins and combat stress and anxiety by taking on a challenging outdoor workout or meditating in the natural beauty and quiet of a park or forest, you can find more clarity and a profound connection to yourself and the world around you.

This Global Wellness Day, we invite you to get out and discover the restorative power of the natural world. Whether you enjoy hikes, yoga, volleyball, sound bath therapy, mindfulness, or serenity by the water’s edge, remember that nature is a powerful ally in achieving your goals.

At Amend Wellness, we’re here to guide you as you explore the benefits of nature for your mental and physical health. Our advisors are standing by to take your call and answer your questions about admissions.