What We Treat

woman learning, emotional health retreat center

Mental Health Treatment for Optimal Well-Being


At Amend Wellness, we specialize in addressing the myriad challenges that prevent individuals from functioning at their best. Whether grappling with emotional distress, mental hurdles, or life’s unexpected turns, our holistic approach offers a sanctuary for those seeking balance, understanding, and rejuvenation. Our mission is to provide comprehensive support, allowing every client to regain their optimal state of well-being and thrive in their daily lives. While we treat all conditions that impact a person’s ability to live optimally, below are examples of some specific conditions client seek help for.

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Affecting nearly 6.8 million adults in the U.S., GAD is a prevalent condition, and at Amend Wellness, we provide expert support to help individuals manage and overcome this persistent, excessive worry.

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With PTSD impacting an estimated 7-8% of the population at some point in their lives, Amend Wellness is dedicated to aiding survivors in processing traumatic experiences and reclaiming their lives.

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Suicidal Ideation

Facing the darkness of suicidal ideation is a profound struggle. At Amend Wellness, we provide specialized care, giving hope and expert clinical care to those grappling with this incomprehensible emotional pain, guiding them towards a brighter future.

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Depression touches the lives of over 264 million individuals globally, making their daily lives difficult to navigate. daily existence. Our mission is to infuse life with color and vibrancy once again, using ur expert care and holistic therapies in our residential program for depression.

mental health care for Veterans

Veteran's Mental Health

We're honored to partner with TriWest, ensuring veterans receive the comprehensive mental health care they deserve. Through our specialized services and dedicated clinicians, we're committed to supporting our nation's heroes.

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Grief & Loss

Coping with the profound pain of losing a loved one is a journey, and Amend Wellness offers a sanctuary of understanding and healing, recognizing the essential nature of processing grief for overall well-being.

Executive burnout treatment

Executive Burnout

In our high-pressure world, executive burnout is increasingly common among top-tier professionals; Amend Wellness specializes in rejuvenating strategies tailored to the unique stressors faced by leaders in their fields.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder can have a profound impact on quality of life. If left untreated, many develop co-occurring conditions like depression or substance abuse. Our treatment approach offers proven therapeutic interventions designed to address this complex issue.

Chronic Stress

When stress persists unchecked, it can become chronic, severely affecting your quality of life and overall health. We offer a reprieve from chronic stress with our restorative treatment program.