Depression Rates by Month

depression treatment for major depressive disorder and seasonal depression

Suicide and clinical depression are leading public health problems, and understanding their patterns is crucial in prevention efforts. Most people believe the cold, dark months of winter lead to a rise in depression and suicide rates, especially around the holidays. However, research by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania suggests otherwise, shedding light on the complexity of suicide and its occurrence throughout the year.

Understanding Seasonal Trends in Mental Health

For over two decades, the Annenberg Public Policy Center has sought to correct the misconception linking the holidays with depression and suicide by analyzing newspaper stories. Contrary to popular belief, the APPC found the suicide rate is lowest from November to January. This discovery challenges typical assumptions about seasonal depression and mental health.

As the days grow longer and nature blooms into color and life, April, May, and June see an unexpected rise in suicide rates. Though spring is challenging for many people, the reasons behind this trend are multifaceted and still not fully understood. However, there are several possible explanations.

  1. Comparative suffering: In winter, general societal mood might be lower due to the weather. When spring arrives, those who felt temporarily down due to seasonal changes may recover, leaving depressed people feeling starkly alone with their struggles.
  2. Bipolar disorder symptoms: The increase in manic behaviors and worsening of bipolar disorder symptoms in spring could contribute to heightened suicide rates.
  3. Social pressures: While winter “hibernation” may provide relief for people living with major depressive disorder, the return of social obligations in warm weather can become overwhelming.
  4. Allergies and inflammation: The resurgence of seasonal allergies in spring can increase inflammation, which might worsen mood disorders.
  5. Air quality: Warmer weather may decrease indoor and outdoor air quality, potentially exacerbating depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviors.

Recognizing the Signs

Identifying red flags is essential in suicide prevention. Here are some signs that a friend or loved one might be depressed and considering ending their life.

  • Expressions of hopelessness: Frequent talk about wanting to die or kill themselves.
  • Suicide planning: Actively seeking lethal means or discussing methods of suicide.
  • Preoccupation with death: An unusual focus on death or dying.
  • Feelings of entrapment: Expressing a lack of hope or solutions.
  • Self-perception as a burden: Discussing feelings of guilt or being a burden to others.
  • Extreme mood swings: Rapid changes from sadness to calmness.
  • Increased risk-taking: Reckless behavior without concern for safety.
  • Substance use: Elevated alcohol or drug consumption.
  • Anxiety and agitation: Noticeable restlessness or nervousness.
  • Changes in routine: Significant alterations in sleep or eating habits.
  • Social withdrawal: Pulling away from friends and family.
  • Giving away possessions: Distributing cherished belongings.

A Path Forward

At Amend Wellness, we address the complexities of mental health and provide support for vulnerable people. If you or someone you know is showing signs of distress, please reach out for professional help by contacting our wellness advisors or calling the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

Our understanding of depression and suicide is continually evolving. By staying informed and vigilant, we can work toward a future where mental health is a priority every month of the year.

Remember, it’s not only the winter blues that we need to be aware of – the seasons of transition can often be the hardest. Let’s stay connected, no matter the month.